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Create Your Own Wallpaper Designs For Your Home

Create Your Own Wallpaper Designs For Your Home

Wallpaper is a fun and unique way to amp up your interior design, but if you truly want to make your mark, ZNAK's Tears Off Wallpaper — a modular wallcovering — gives you the ability to craft your own original designs and patterns to create interior accents.

ZNAK offers a variety of innovative wallcoverings for the home. The result of a collaboration between artists and graphic designers, Tears Off Wallpaper gives you the option to create small decals or entire wall murals.

The wallpaper comes with pre-fab perforations that make "tearing" easy. Once the wallpaper is applied, you pick and choose where to tear to create your design. Tears Off Wallpaper is like applying a 3D stencil to your entire wall, giving your interior a textured look.

To make your design really stand out, start by painting your wall any color or variety of colors you want—this color is what will define the one-of-a-kind pattern you create. Once completely dry, apply the wallpaper and then tear away. You can even include your kids for a true family project.

The wallpaper easily adheres to clean walls—free of dirt and grease, is washable and is available in 11 different shades. You can purchase Tear Off Wallpaper for $15 a sheet. For more, visit

If you prefer more traditional wallpapers check out our FAQ: Why should I consider wallpaper instead of paint?

To find a pro to install your wallpaper check out our local contractor listings.

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